Fields in this window

Vendor Payments window

Checking accounts list

Select the checking account you want to use to make a payment.

The accounts in this list were assigned checking privileges in the Edit Accounts window.


This field displays the current balance of the checking account you selected in the upper left corner of the window. If you wish to display the Account view of the Inquiry Register window to view more detailed information about the checking account, click the zoom arrow.


Enter the name of the vendor whose transactions you wish to apply your payment to. If you wish to view detailed information about the vendor, click the zoom arrow to display the Profile view of the Card Information window.

When you enter a vendor name all the purchases youíve conducted with that vendor are displayed. Open purchases are displayed at the top of the list, followed by orders and then by closed purchases (if you select Include Closed Purchases).


The vendor name and the address that was entered in the Address 1 field in the Profile view of the Card Information window is displayed automatically in this field. You can also select any of the four other addresses that you may have entered in the Card Information window or enter a new address.


The word ëPaymentí followed by the vendorís name is displayed automatically in this field. You can replace this with a different description if you wish, but we suggest you use the word "Payment" in the memo to remind you of the nature of the transaction.

This description will appear on various MYOB AccountEdge reports, as well as the Cash Disbursements Journal.

Check #

When you begin to create a transaction in this window, this field will automatically display the next available check number which will become the actual transaction number when it's recorded into the data file.

If you highlight the field, Auto†# appears. You can choose to:

  • Delete Auto†# and enter a new number for the transaction or
  • Leave Auto†#. The assigned number will appear again when you leave this field.

If you choose to enter a new number in the Check No. field and then record the transaction, the next time you begin to enter a Check No. will automatically increase the number you previously entered by one. This will continue until you again change the number entered in the Check No. field and record the transaction.


Enter the date of the check.

Dates that occur before your conversion date or in a prior fiscal year canít be used.


Enter the total amount of the check.

When you record this check, the balance of the checking account you selected in the upper left corner of the window will be decreased by the amount you enter here.

Purchase # / Vendorís # column

This column displays either the numbers assigned to each of your purchases with the vendor, or the numbers of each of the invoices that the vendor has given to you. The numbers that appear depend upon whether youíve marked the box labeled Show Vendor Invoice Number in Vendor Payments in the Purchases view of the Preferences window.

Status column

This column displays the status of each of the purchases in the list.

OPEN: Purchasing transactions with a positive balance.

CLOSED: Purchasing transactions with a zero balance.

ORDER: A purchase that you expect to occur sometime in the future. Orders arenít actual transactions that affect your financial and inventory numbers; they merely store purchase information until youíre ready to use them. You can, however, apply vendor payments to them which will create a transaction in AccountEdge.

If you want to open the Inquiry Register window to view more detailed information about a specific purchase, click the zoom arrow next to the purchaseís status.

Date column

This column displays the date each of the purchases in the list was recorded.

Amount column

This column displays the current amount due for each of the purchases in the list.

Discount column

Enter early-payment discounts for each of the purchases in this list or accept the default amounts. Default amounts are calculated using the percent entered in the % Discount for Early Payment field and the number of Discount Days which were entered for this vendor in the Buying Details view of the Card Information window.

Enter a discount amount only when youíre settling the entire remaining balance of a purchase. If you enter a discount on a partial payment of a purchaseís remaining balance, that discount wonít be recorded. For example, if you enter a $2 discount on $100 purchase, the total due amount is $98. However, if you apply only $75 to the purchase, the discount wonít be calculated; $25 will be the remaining balance of the purchase.

Total Owed column

This column displays the total amount owed for each purchase in the list.

Amount Applied column

Enter the amount of the payment you want to apply to each purchase in the list, or accept the default amounts that appear in this column. The default amount that appears in this column is either the total amount of one purchaseís remaining balance or the remainder of the payment amount.

You can distribute the payment amount to more than one purchase.

Total Applied

This field displays the total of all vendor payments in the Amount Applied column plus the amount in the Finance Charge field, if any.

Finance Charge

Enter the amount you wish to apply to your finance charges with this vendor.

When you click Record, the balance of the account you entered in the Expense Account for Late Charges field of the Accounts Payable Linked Accounts window will be increased.

Total Received

This field displays the amount of the payment, as it appears in the Amount field in the check portion of the window.

Out of Balance

This field displays the difference between the Total Received amount and the Total Applied amount. You cannot record this transaction unless this amount is zero.

Include Closed Purchases

Mark this selection if you want to display closed purchases in the scrolling list.

Already Printed

Mark this option if youíre recording information about a paper check thatís already been written.

Pay All button

Click this button to pay all the purchase transactions in the list that have an Open status. The amounts required to do this will display automatically in the Amount Applied field and the Amount field in the checking portion of the window.

Exchange Rate button

Click this button to the Exchange Rate window. This window displays your current currency and the Transaction Exchange Rate and Current Exchange Rate. This information is view-only.

This button appears only if you marked the I Deal in Multiple Currencies field in the System view of the Preferences window.

Print button

Click this button to print the check transaction entered in the window.

A message explaining that the check transaction will be recorded before itís printed will appear.


Click this button to open the Transaction Journal window where you can view a list of your purchases.

Record button

Click this button to record the application of the payment amount in the Cash Disbursements Journal, decrease the checking account entered in the top left corner of the window and decrease your outstanding balance with the vendor. If the payment was applied to an order, your linked payables deposits account is increased.

Cancel button

Click this button to remove all the entries youíve made and close the window.

If youíre viewing a previously recorded transaction, clicking this button will close the window.

Fields in the Vendor Payments window